Registrierung Login

How do I create an account?

Last updated on: 8/22/23


Simply register using your phone number. By registering, you agree to the general terms and conditions and data protection guidelines.  

You will then receive a login code via SMS to your provided number. If you do not receive a code, you can request a new one. Upon successful verification, you will be redirected to account creation. 

Create Account 

To create your account, we need some information about you.

Additionally, you can specify here which notifications you receive from us. If you want to stay up to date and receive special offers for tickets, you can activate the toggle to agree that

  • stagedates may send you emails with updates and special offers.

  • Partners of stagedates (artists, organizers, venues) may send you emails with special offers.  

Then click on Create Account. Welcome to stagedates!