
How do I create an account for promoters?

Last updated on: 8/8/23

In the field of the promoter area, you can create a promoter account or log in with your already existing account. Through this account, you will have access to all promoter functions. 

First, you enter information about your email address here and set a password. Then you select your business type and the corresponding country.  

To complete the registration, we still need information about the company name, the name to be displayed, the tax number, as well as first and last names. 

Finally, we will send you a confirmation email. Once you have read the email, you will be directed to our payment partner Adyen by the 'Complete onboarding' button to enter your personal data in order to make withdrawals. 

You will now be guided through the entire process. Please be prepared to provide information about the company/person and, depending on the organizational form, add a decision maker.

Now your account is complete and you can start creating events.